
Melissa Rudin

Passion and experience

An efficient architectural design process, in addition to the creative capacity of its creator, implies a high understanding of the client’s requirements , their budget and the adequate management of expectations.

A successful construction project involves attention to detail, constant supervision, and the ability to resolve contingencies.

Thanks to her studies in architecture at the Veritas University and the administration complement at the Tecnológico de Costa Rica, the architect Melissa Rudin has the necessary balance of skills and knowledge to develop the design and construction of architectural projects of varying complexity.

Her experience includes the design and supervision of corporate and residential projects, always adhering to established schedules and budgets.

If you need to know more about Architect Rudin, do not hesitate to request an appointment online.

A bit more...

Architect Melissa Rudin believes that spaces transform emotions. She is convinced that, through good architecture, the mood of those who inhabit it can be momentarily shaped.

In her day to day, she strives to capture the right emotions in his designs, without neglecting the practical systematization that a good work process takes. Of course, she always takes some time to research something new, write for her blog or simply enjoy with her family and Alux, her dog …

Her high level of curiosity allows her to answer strange questions, such as… why is 4 the magic number?